shane white


us history 2

Prohibition story

This is my story of how i ended up being rich for a long time then getting caught and in jail. I was just a young man who liked to drink beer and whisky all the time like every one else. so then the woman where getting mad because husbands where coming home drunk and they would end up beating there wife and making them have sex with them some would even do it to there kids to those where just the ones who couldent handle there liqueor. so the men like that kind of ruined it for the guys who just wanted to go out the bar and have a good time and get drunk. so the government made the prohibition era which is a ban on all alcohol consumption distribution and making. so i was smart and new that people would still want to drink so i started trying to make it myself at my house and it was working for a liltle while i was selling it to my friends and drinking it my self. then the police found out and they came and wrecked everything and i went to jail for 6 months. when i got out i was going to just get a job and go straight and i was working at a factory for about six months but that just wasnt cutting it and i ad to support my family so i decided i put a stil up in the woods and go and make it at night i called it moonshining. so i started making it but i found away to make really potent liquer so i started having my cousin run my moonshine to the city so are buissness got pretty big and we was making all kinds of money and then i started making more and more and got in with the mafia of chicago and the leader al capone so they was buying it from me and i just got loaded i must of been one the richest guys around. then it all went bad i was in where i make the moonshine and a cop drove in and caught me but i ended up getting in to a fight will him and he fell and hit his head and that killed him so i dident no what to do so i went to the mafia and they was hiding me out. so i was hiding there for about 2 months then the cops found out where i was and raided where i was hiding and and arrested everyone and they took us all to jail. so i was sentenced to life in prison so i started planing how to break out. so one day when we was working in the fields i just took off and i was runing and i ended up getting away but i had to go see my family so i did and i was about to leave after seeing them but as i walked out the door there was police everwhere and i pulled my gun but they shot it out off my hand and now im sitting here in jail still thinking about how bad i messed up.

progressive era began a social movement that became a political movement.
Progressive era is the term applied to a variety of responses to the economic and social problems rapid industrialization introduced to America.
people belived that the problems could be fixed by school and other educating things.

there are seven themes that i can identify for the progressive era they are.
1.corporations and labor examples child labor corruption
2.urbanization and immigration examples tennemens and immigration restrictions
3.womens rights examples the right to vote birth control
4.progresive reformers social change examples hull house muckrakers
5.political change example monopoly busting
6.temperance and prohibition example women and chirstians temperance movement
7.conservation of lands example presidents roosevelts establishment of national parks.

one represents prohibtion and one represents child labor.
child labor is important because we dont want 5 year olds working in factorys.
prohibition important because  it was a big fight to get alcohol back.